Technical – Pistol
Pistol Basics
We all have to start somewhere and this is the place. We’ll look at a few of the components that are used to place a shot on a target. Initially, you’ll need to put a lot of energy into thinking about how to perform each task. As time passes and you work hard, you’ll move from the conscious act to sub-conscious delivery. That’s when you’ll really start to shine as a shooter.
The basics include:
- Stance: How to stand steady and support the pistol.
- Position: How to point the pistol at the target.
- Grip: How to hold the pistol consistently.
- Sighting: Where to look, what are the different sight patterns, etc. for pistol.
- Minimum Arc of Movement: How to shoot on the move.
- Raising the Pistol in Sustained Fire Events: Where to look and how to raise in Timed and Rapid Fire Events.
- Breath Control: Suggestions on Breathing when firing your pistol.
- Trigger Control: Breaking your trigger smoothly.
- Follow Through: Keeping your pistol on target as the shot leaves the barrel.
Training Related Documents:
- Shooter Fault Terms and Definitions Document (Defines and Describes Common Shooter Errors)
- Pistol Shot Error Analysis Document (An aid determine what you may be doing wrong)
- Blank Annual Training Plan Chart (Chart for developing Annual Training Plan)