Physical Training
Important Note: Remember to consult a physician prior to beginning a new exercise program!
I’ve heard a theory that about 35% of a competitive shooting score can be attributed to good levels of physical fitness. Regardless, a good foundation of fitness will be of benefit to you. I’ve pulled together some info which is relevant to fitness training.
- Physical Energy Systems: Energy systems that fuel the body and how to train them (i.e. Aerobic, Anaerobic Alactic and Anaerobic Lactic.)
- Building Strength and Endurance: How to Build Strength, plus an Overview of Muscular and Aerobic Endurance
- Stretching: The Vital Importance of Stretching for Shooters, plus 10 stretches that you should be doing
- Beginner’s Walking/Running Programs: Be healthier. Just 10 weeks to improved aerobic fitness!